...ing logging 4.0


std.bind for D2.0 (3)


import std.stdio, std.bind;
void main()
    int foo(int i) {return i*2;}
    int bar(int i) {return i*3;}
    auto fooBar = bind(&foo, bind(&bar, _0));
    writefln(fooBar(5)); // print:30

あと,__traits の代わりに isBoundFunc テンプレートを使ってみたら動いたので,そっちに書き換えた.
前は動かなかったから __traits を使ったのだが・・・何か他の条件が違ったんだろう.
そんな完成版の std.bind はこちら.

--- ~bind.d	Wed Oct 03 20:38:22 2007
+++ bind.d	Thu Oct 04 19:24:42 2007
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@
-	char[] toString() {
+	string toString() {
 		return "()";
@@ -310,13 +310,14 @@
 		static assert (i <= Params.length);
 		static if (is(typeof(fn(params[0..i])))) {
-			const int res = i;
+			const int res_ = i;
 		} else {
-			alias loop!(i+1).res res;
+            const int res_ = loop!(i+1).res_;
-	alias loop!().res res;
+	mixin loop!();
+	alias res_ res;
 	Finds the minimal number of arguments a given function needs to be provided
@@ -657,7 +658,7 @@
 bind(&foo, tuple(23, 45))
-typeof(new BoundFunc!(FT, NullAlias, Tuple!(ArgList))) bind(FT, ArgList...)(FT fp, ArgList args) {
+typeof(new BoundFunc!(FT, EmptySlot, Tuple!(ArgList))) bind(FT, ArgList...)(FT fp, ArgList args) {
 	auto res = new DerefFunc!(ReturnType!(bind));
 	res.fp = fp;
 	extractBoundArgs!(0, 0, ArgList)(res.boundArgs, args);
@@ -665,6 +666,7 @@
 	bindAlias() is similar to bind(), but it's more powerful. Use bindAlias() rather than bind() where possible. <br/>
@@ -690,13 +692,26 @@
 	Note: there is no bind-time check for reference nullness, there is however a call-time check on all references which can be disabled
 	by using version=BindNoNullCheck or compiling in release mode.
-template bindAlias(alias FT) {
-	typeof(new BoundFunc!(typeof(&FT), FT, Tuple!(ArgList))) bindAlias(ArgList...)(ArgList args) {
-		auto res = new DerefFunc!(ReturnType!(bindAlias));
-		res.fp = &FT;
-		extractBoundArgs!(0, 0, ArgList)(res.boundArgs, args);
-		return res;
-	}
+template bindAlias(alias FT)
+    static if (isBoundFunc!(typeof(FT)))
+    {
+    	typeof(new BoundFunc!(typeof(&(FT.func)), FT.func, Tuple!(ArgList))) bindAlias(ArgList...)(ArgList args) {
+    		auto res = new DerefFunc!(ReturnType!(bindAlias));
+            res.fp = &(FT.func);
+    		extractBoundArgs!(0, 0, ArgList)(res.boundArgs, args);
+    		return res;
+    	}
+    }
+    else
+    {
+    	typeof(new BoundFunc!(typeof(&FT), FT, Tuple!(ArgList))) bindAlias(ArgList...)(ArgList args) {
+    		auto res = new DerefFunc!(ReturnType!(bindAlias));
+            res.fp = &FT;
+    		extractBoundArgs!(0, 0, ArgList)(res.boundArgs, args);
+    		return res;
+    	}
+    }
