...ing logging 4.0


D + MeCab (2)


C:\D\projects\hello>dumpbin /exports libmecab.dll
Microsoft (R) COFF/PE Dumper Version 8.00.50727.42
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Dump of file libmecab.dll

File Type: DLL

  Section contains the following exports for libmecab.dll

    00000000 characteristics
    44CC9706 time date stamp Sun Jul 30 20:24:54 2006
        0.00 version
           1 ordinal base
          28 number of functions
          28 number of names

    ordinal hint RVA      name

          1    0 00025A00 ?createTagger@MeCab@@YAPAVTagger@1@HPAPAD@Z
          2    1 00025AB0 ?createTagger@MeCab@@YAPAVTagger@1@PBD@Z
          3    2 00025B60 ?getTaggerError@MeCab@@YAPBDXZ
          4    3 00017780 mecab_cost_train
          5    4 00044390 mecab_destroy
          6    5 0003B3D0 mecab_dict_gen
          7    6 00035E00 mecab_dict_index
          8    7 00031220 mecab_dict_info
          9    8 00025BB0 mecab_do
         10    9 000446D0 mecab_format_node
         11    A 000445B0 mecab_nbest_init
         12    B 000445F0 mecab_nbest_init2
         13    C 000446A0 mecab_nbest_next_tonode
         14    D 00044630 mecab_nbest_next_tostr
         15    E 00044660 mecab_nbest_next_tostr2
         16    F 000444E0 mecab_nbest_sparse_tostr
         17   10 00044520 mecab_nbest_sparse_tostr2
         18   11 00044560 mecab_nbest_sparse_tostr3
         19   12 000441E0 mecab_new
         20   13 00044280 mecab_new2
         21   14 00044470 mecab_sparse_tonode
         22   15 000444A0 mecab_sparse_tonode2
         23   16 000443C0 mecab_sparse_tostr
         24   17 000443F0 mecab_sparse_tostr2
         25   18 00044430 mecab_sparse_tostr3
         26   19 00044320 mecab_strerror
         27   1A 00043030 mecab_system_eval
         28   1B 00044310 mecab_version


        5000 .data
      370000 .rdata
        8000 .reloc
       65000 .text

C:\D\projects\hello>dumpbin /exports libmecab.lib
Microsoft (R) COFF/PE Dumper Version 8.00.50727.42
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Dump of file libmecab.lib

File Type: LIBRARY


       ordinal    name

                  ?createTagger@MeCab@@YAPAVTagger@1@HPAPAD@Z (class MeCab::Tager * __cdecl MeCab::createTagger(int,char * *))
                  ?createTagger@MeCab@@YAPAVTagger@1@PBD@Z (class MeCab::Tagger* __cdecl MeCab::createTagger(char const *))
                  ?getTaggerError@MeCab@@YAPBDXZ (char const * __cdecl MeCab::gtTaggerError(void))


          C9 .debug$S
          14 .idata$2
          14 .idata$3
           4 .idata$4
           4 .idata$5
           E .idata$6
